The Puerta America Hotel is the most ambitious and innovative project of the Silken Group.

With an investment of 75 million euros, the five-star hotel, located in Madrid’s Avenida de América, has 342 rooms (of which 12 are suites) distributed over 12 floors, each of them designed by a prestigious designer: Jean Nouvel, Javier Mariscal, Fernando Salas, Arata Isozaki, Richard Gluckman, Kathryn Findlay, Jason Bruges, Ron Arad, Mark Newson, Vitorio & Lucchino, Eva Castro, Holger Kehne, David Chipperfield, Norman Foster, Zaha Hadid, John Pawson, Christan Liaigre, Teresa Sapey…

Ibermaison was an active part of this important company, participating in the construction of 7 of the 12 floors of the hotel, through the execution of projects, manufacture of exclusive pieces and assembly.

A challenge encouraged by the illusion of making a dream come true.

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